Thursday, January 29, 2015

Christine Side-Slip VHS

When it comes to John Carpenter directed flicks, Christine stands way up high on the list of his best films. I only recently saw this one for the first time about a year ago and let me tell you, it's pretty damn amazing old school horror.

I don't know, something about the idea of a killer car just never appealed to me, which is why I guess I never took the time to sit down and watch it, even though it was directed by one of my all-time favorite filmmakers, the one and only John Carpenter. Just like with his excellent Starman, which I also easily dismissed for decades until I gave it a shot recently and fell in love with it, Christine literally knocked my socks off.

Everything about Christine is amazing. Carpenter's direction is probably some of his best visual work to date. His score is just phenomenal, as always. And the overall 80's aesthetic brings so much to the table. If this were made today, it wouldn't be anywhere near as effective, or as creative. No sir.....Christine was made at just the perfect time.

Up until recently, I was unaware that there was such a thing as "side-slip" VHS tapes, where the tape is removed from the side of the box rather than the bottom, which was standard. From what I've seen, other than CBS/FOX, who did the "side-sliding box drawer" with some of their tapes, RCA/Columbia was the only one to do it like this. Pretty cool if you ask me.

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